Cyprus has an average temperature of around 26C in October during the day, and the sea temperature is also still warm, averaging 24C, which makes it the perfect
Popular tourist destination Cyprus is known for its beautiful beaches and rich history. With the average temperature reaching up to 27C in October, there are pl
The power interconnection of Greece and Cyprus, with the prospect of an extension to Israel, is now back in track after the memorandum of understanding signe
A 22-year-old German traveller has visited all 44 countries in Europe and revealed his top five favourite. Luca Pferdmenges, who has been a world traveller sin
Cyprus will support a multi-billion euro electric transmission cable linking the power grids of Europe to the Middle East, a source close to the matter said
Cyprus and Greece have made progress in talks regarding the creation of a high-speed electric cable network that will connect Europe to the Middl
Ursula von der Leyen (Germany): European Commission President Teresa Ribera (Spain): Executive Vice-President for the Clean, Just and Competitive Transition
Portfolio: Commissioner for health Why: Tomaž Vesel, Slovenia’s pick to be its European commissioner, withdrew his candidacy on Friday following pres
Italy is set to see temperatures of 42-44C this week. ADVERTISEMENTHeatwaves across Cyprus and Greece have left multiple people dead with Türkiye
An extreme hurricane season lies on the horizonMammatt says some indicators show we may experience a powerful hurricane season
Exploring Europe for an extended period can be tricky due to the 90-day rule, which restricts non-EU nationals with a valid visa to only 90 days in Schengen Are