
Brit tourists issued brutal 17-day warning as weather maps show…

Posted by July 24, 2024

By the end of July, Italy will be "on fire", with temperatures set to hit 40C in several cities, a weather expert said.Italian weather forecaster Lorenzo Tredic

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Met Office warning for three popular holiday spots ‘peaking in…

Posted by July 22, 2024

Holidaymakers in Europe have been issued a warning as a scorching heatwave could see temperatures soar to the mid-40s in some popular holiday destinations. A we

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France on alert as UK tourist hotspot set to swelter…

Posted by July 18, 2024

The sweltering heat that has been battering much of the European continent for weeks is set to take hold of France too this weekend.Between Thursday and Saturda

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New weather maps show exact date Italy hits 42C and…

Posted by July 9, 2024

New weather maps suggest that two holiday destinations adored by British tourists may soon be engulfed by suffocating heat.Maps released by WXCharts, which uses

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New red hot maps show exact dates Spain hits 46C…

Posted by July 8, 2024

European holiday destinations are likely to be smashed by a heatwave as the latest weather maps show temperatures rising to 46C and 45C in Spain and Greece resp

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Brit tourists warned as savage European heatwave to skyrocket ‘to…

Posted by June 21, 2024

British tourists with holidays booked to Europe this summer should be wary of soaring temperatures which "could rise to 50C", a meteorologist has claimed.Large

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