
Tech-News Site Gizmodo Sold to European Media Firm Keleops, Which…

Posted by June 4, 2024

Gizmodo, the 22-year-old tech news site, is the latest asset sold by G/O Media, which has been steadily shedding media properties for more than a year. G

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G/O Media Sells Gizmodo to Tech Media Company Keleops

Posted by June 4, 2024

G/O Media sold its tech and design site Gizmodo to European media company Keleops in a deal that “represents a substantial premium from our original purcha

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G/O Media Sells Off Deadspin to Be Entirely Gutted

Posted by March 11, 2024

G/O Media has sold Deadspin to a European media company that will not keep any of the long-running sports news outlet’s current staff, the company’s CEO tol

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